cl_interp - Sets how far character models are interpolated (drawn away from their actual position) in the world, a good standard value for hitscan weapons is 0.0303, while for projectiles/flames 0.0152 is good (Default: 0.1).cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel - Sets whether or not the player's model is used on the HUD (Default: 1).cl_flipviewmodels - Sets viewmodels normal/inverted(left-handed) - does not work while connected to a server (can also be changed from advanced options) (Default: 0).cl_first_person_uses_world_model - Sets full-body awareness mode off/on (for use with VR headsets) (Default: 0).cl_drawhud - Hides/shows the HUD - sv_cheats 1 required (Default: 1).example: "crosshair1" (can also be changed from Multiplayer options) (Default: "") cl_crosshair_file - Sets crosshair picture.cl_cloud_settings - Turns syncing of config files with the Steam cloud off/on (Default:1).cl_burninggibs - Turns burning gibs off/on (Default: 0).cl_cmdrate - Max number of command packets sent to server per second (Default: 30).cl_autorezoom - Turns Sniper Rifle re-zoom off/on (can also be changed from advanced Options) (Default: 0).cl_autoreload - Turns automatic reloading off/on (can also be changed from advanced Options).cl_ask_favorite_opt_out - Turns question whether to favorite a server after leaving after a longer amount of time off/on (Default: 0).cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out - Turns question whether to blacklist a server after leaving after a short amount of time off/on (Default: 0).List of useful console commands cl_ commands